Patch management is increasingly vital. As cyber-attacks on British businesses soar, 86% of reported vulnerabilities enter devices from third-party applications.

Compounding the problem for IT is that running numerous deployment tools often create confusion, and slow down reaction times. This can open your organisation to potentially devastating malware and ransomware attacks.

According to UK government research in 2022, only  38% of organisations have a policy for patch management. As a result, patches can be missed, which can lead to vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals.

Patch management – the importance

The sheer volume of third-party apps organisations use on a daily basis makes it next to impossible to manually manage. Keeing track of all of the relevant patches is undoubtedly difficult. Not to mention that critical updates have to be applied within 14 days of their release. This is an alarming situation, especially considering that 86% of reported vulnerabilities enter devices from third-party applications.

As the UK government’s Cyber Essentials programme recommends, “applying updates (a process known as patching) is one of the most important things you can do to improve security. Operating systems, software, devices and apps should all be set to ‘automatically update’ wherever this is an option. This way, you will be protected as soon as the update is released.”

Automating patch management

Automating the patch management process enables you to avoid the disastrous impacts of serious, yet preventable attacks.

That is why the Heimdal Security’s Patch & Asset Management solution was born. Heimdal’s solution comes with all the bells and whistles an IT manager needs in order to set up an efficient and secure AMS environment. This scalable, flexible, and intuitive solution can handle both Microsoft and third-party software on the spot. It can also be used from anywhere in the world and according to any schedule.

Heimdal PAM

The Heimdal solution

Heimdal allows you to proactively manage assets and mitigate vulnerabilities, all at the click of a button. Heimdal Patch & Asset Management and its optional Infinity Management module provide not only automated vulnerability management but also a full Software Asset Management. Benefit from:

  • A consistent overview of essential software, its security status, and all the tools necessary to prove compliance.
  • Granular control over your software environment by fully automating the third-party patching. This way, internal resources are freed up to focus on more pressing matters or value-add tasks.
  • Administrators also gain the unique ability to deploy custom, in-house software and patches that are not available in the Heimdal Patch & Asset Management catalogue.
Find out more

Find out the essentials of patch management and more about Heimdal in this 45-minute webinar.

Want to learn more?

Complete IT Systems are highly skilled in Heimdal’s solutions. We can offer free trials, or tailored demonstrations of the solution. We can also discuss business benefits and help you understand how the technology would work for your organisation.

To get in touch or request a demo please contact us.





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