Was your storage great in the 90s, but not so much now?

Even great things don’t last forever. So much so, an eye-opening 24% of organisations cite technology as a business inhibitor, according to research by Tintri.

Due to the need to support more remote workers, virtual environments, cloud migrations, handling larger data volumes, cybersecurity threats, and managing more endpoint devices, increasing demands are straining limited IT resources to the limit and can feel like pushing a boulder uphill.

But smart, AI-driven storage infrastructure can make a significant difference. By eliminating 95% of storage administration tasks, empowering IT generalists and freeing up storage experts, it’s possible to provide a better experience for all stakeholders.

This infographic from Tintri outlines four areas where Intelligent Infrastructure drives IT success.

Want to find out more?

As a Tintri Partner, Complete IT Systems can offer you expert advice on the solutions and how they could be effectively deployed in your business. More information is available on our Tintri solutions page.
To find out more please call us on 01274 396 213 or use our contact form and we’ll arrange a good time to call you back.

Intelligent storage management that drives efficiencies – and more!

As we’ve been exploring in recent weeks, running virtual environments can be admin, resource and budget-heavy for IT teams. 

Whether you’re looking to reduce IT admin costs, lower storage TCO, or modernise data management, Tintri’s SQL Integrated Storage is an innovative Intelligent Infrastructure solution that delivers unparalleled visibility, automation and control for virtual and physical Microsoft SQL Server databases.

The result? A new era for SQL Server customers, enabling simplified, intelligent storage management that drives efficiencies, empowers DBAs and provides a consistent end-user experience. This short video (1 minute), gives you the lowdown.

Want to find out more?

As a Tintri Partner, Complete IT Systems can offer you expert advice on the solutions and how they could be effectively deployed in your business.

To find out more please call us on 01274 396 213 or use our contact form and we’ll arrange a good time to call you back.


The pain points of managing a virtual environment

Lacking resources, staff and inefficiency?

If so, perhaps some of the following sound familiar?

Tintri VMstore can help alleviate some of these issues, as demonstrated by the following success stories:

DevOps agility

A leading provider of digital healthcare solutions struggled to manage multiple storage platforms and protocols creating slow application deployment and testing times. With Tintri VMstore, they were able to spin up hundreds of VMs quickly, test and tear them down with ease, enabling them to reduce deployment times, while also freeing up IT resources for other critical tasks.

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Perfect for virtualised workloads

An NHS trust in the UK suffered major latency and bottleneck issues with their existing SAN unable to support their virtualised infrastructure. With Tintri VMstore, they were able to quickly pinpoint storage-related issues and resolve them, with zero downtime since installation.

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Optimise IT department

An academic institution faced challenges with limited numbers of skilled IT staff and managing a growing infrastructure, helpdesk, and software applications . Tintri VMstore’s “set it and forget it” value proposition reduced the need for specialised storage expertise, thereby freeing up their IT staff for more strategic projects.

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Measureable impact on bottom line

A UK based B2B provider of unified communications (internet, IT, telephone, mobile, hosting and cloud services) struggled with systems maintenance and administrative backlogs across its disparate servers. The company resolved this by consolidating multiple hosts into a single VMstore platform, reducing administration time by up to 20%. Additionally, it achieved significant power cost savings since it was able to turn off excess servers.

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Ransomware recovery

A customer was hit with a ransomware attack and needed to recover their VMs quickly. With Tintri VMstore’s advanced snapshot and cloning features, they were able to quickly identify the infected VMs and recover the clean ones in minutes, reducing the impact of the attack.

👉 Read more.

Want to find out more?

As a Tintri Partner, Complete IT Systems can offer you expert advice on the solutions and how they could be effectively deployed in your business.

To find out more please call us on 01274 396 213 or use our contact form and we’ll arrange a good time to call you back.